Hypocrite #1 says… “You cannot lose salvation, and you cannot work for it, for we are saved by grace and not by works (EPHESIANS 2:8-10 KJV). Our works of self-righteousness is but filthy rags in the eyes of our Father in Heaven. All sin is a falling short of God’s glory” (ROMANS 3:23 KJV).


“I used to be a drunk and a drug dealer and I do not do those things anymore, but this does not make me sinless, I am still a sinner. With my humble heart I can say I still commit sin every day in the presence of Gods eyes”.


“You have a mindset that you are more righteous than everyone else, a holier than thou state of mind, a self-righteousness, and you are supposed to pray for those who sin, and you do not, so you are not of God and do not love your brother”.


The beggar says… At this point Satan is looking for me to defend myself, but I must be reasonable here at this point and ask myself a very serious question. Why would anyone who is accuse of this “holier than thou state of mind” would defend themselves???


I cannot come up with one reason except for that me or any other person would be trying to convince you that the things which I write or speak are true; this, I do not want nor desire, neither is this biblical nor is it Yahvehs’ Will.


You do not even believe what the Bible says, who am I to think that you would believe me (JOHN 5:46-47 KJV). My attention is not to convince you but to persuade you, just as any man would who carries the banner of Yahweh, God, and has a fear of Yahweh so we may have somewhat to answer them which GLORY IN APPEARANCE, AND NOT IN HEART. (2 CORINTHIANS 5:11-12 KJV). There is a huge difference between trying to convince a person and trying to persuade a person.


However, you are they who believe not Moses and the prophets, We are they who was raised from the death of sin, neither will you be persuaded of us, (LUKE 16:31 KJV)


Instead, the wise thing to do is what the word in the Bible tells us to do, which is to test the spirit and see if it is from Yahweh or God, (1 JOHN 4:1 KJV), then I could make a biblical choice whether we could have a healthy dialogue (2 TIMOTHY 2:24 KJV). If the spirit does not lie then there is hope, but if the father of lies is present within thee, then there is no hope, and I must not engage further in this conversation.


It will take every inch of the light you have left if you have any at all, to answer these questions truthfully, and if you lie to yourself, then you will lie to me, and I will not conversate with you by right of a divine arbitration, I cannot talk with Satan for he is a liar. Well, Are you ready for the questions.


Hypocrite #1 says in a cocky and arrogant manner sure ask me anything.


The beggar asked… The statement that you said about me was it a bad statement or negative statement that accuses me of wrong doings???


{Hypocrite #1 stop smiling and had a long pause in his answer and said, yes you can say that}.


The beggar replied… I did not ask you what I can say, I ask you about what you said, is this true or false??? {At this point the beggar readied his legs to walk away from the man}. Then Hypocrite #1 said reluctantly yes, it was an accusation and a negative statement I said about you.


The beggar said… It is ok, I am not mad at you, but you saw how hard it was to answer that simple question outright, but that was just the first question, but I have more.


I would like to ask you something else if you do not mine… Have you seen writings or heard someone preach and say… I am saved by grace and faith, and I cannot lose my salvation. I sin every day and I am not perfect, and this is the power that Jesus gave as a free gift, have you ever heard something like this???


Then Hypocrite #1 says yes.


The beggar asked him... when this person said thus, did you write a post or make an accusation or a negative statement towards this person??? Then the Hypocrite #1 paused again in consideration and said no I did not.


Then the beggar said… So, you are not for the righteous and do not believe the Bible who affirms that there are those who are sanctified or made Holy and made righteous by the power of the Holy Spirit, they are called saints in the Bible.


 You are instead in agreement with sinners, and those would live in sin every day and have placed the heavenly Fathers’ grace which is mercy, and your faith, in the power of sin over the power of the Holy Spirit. And you do not see that it is this mind which is holier than thou, and self-righteousness.


You cannot reason your way out of this, things are what they are, and if you cannot agree with this and you call this an opinion of my own reasoning, as if I deduce what you said illogically, then we will have to abandon our conversation, because we would be going into the maniac principle, there is no time for this fatuousness in this late hour.


Hypocrite #1 was silent.


The beggar then asked… The statement you made above, the short Sermon, the preaching or if you will, the information you gave pertaining to the Holy Bible, the scriptures you used, were these scriptures designed to help you and others to stop sinning, or were these scriptures designed to justify sin, and to let everyone know that it is ok for us to have sin and still be saved???


 {Hypocrite #1’s facial appearance has change from a cocky demeaner to extreme dismay and many crickets were heard in the back ground, and the beggar said you can do it, fight it, tell the truth, do not lie, fight pride or not, I will just simply walk away, answer the question, it was you who made the statement, you know the intentions of the statement you made}


Hypocrite #1 started to laugh as the beggar started to walk away, then, Hypocrite #1 said in a very soft voice, my intentions was to justify my sin by the grace of Jesus and to say its ok to have sin and to be saved.




The beggar replied… Well then… I can only guess you are saying this because there is an understanding that speaks contrary to your belief that is saying you have it all wrong. In the darkness of the mind, it does indeed seem to be two conflicting understandings that are coming from the Bible.  How did this happen??? Does the Bible contradict itself??? Is the bible too confusing to understand??? Is the bible open for anyone’s private interpretation???


Have you ever took a look at your belief, I mean really looked at it from a state of zero, a state of nothing where you are nothing, and have nothing, or did you look at this belief when you had things going on in the world, like a social life, love life, financial life, family life, church life, reputation life, dress life and etc??? Do not answer that, for I will ask you a very simple non-opinionated question, but to you, it will turn into the most hardest question to answer in the world.


For Self-righteousness are people who keep sinning but think they are made right with God, because of the gift of grace or mercy that was offered to everyone and not forced on anyone” they never acknowledged, confessed, AND TURNED AWAY FROM THEIR SINS.


They believe that sin is still part of their nature and feel justified the way they are, this here is the real lack of faith, where there is a denying of the power of Yahshua, Jesus, to keep you from sin which is death, (JUDE 24-25 KJV). 


A self-righteous person will affirm their own righteousness and will feel that they do not have to be held to the same moral standards as the apostles and the prophets. Let me give some scriptures in the hope of persuasion.


WE ARE OF YHVH GOD: he that knoweth YHVH God HEARETH US; he that is not of God HEARETH NOT US. HEREBY KNOW WE THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, AND THE SPIRIT OF ERROR, (1 JOHN 4:6 KJV). Is this self-righteousness??? Did you write a post or say a byword to this?? The answer is no, you did worst then what you do to me, you ignore this and pushed this out the way.


What about this??? “AND WE KNOW THAT WE ARE OF YHVH, GOD, and the WHOLE WORLD LIETH IN WICKEDNESS. And WE KNOW THAT THE SON OF GOD IS COME, and HATH GIVEN US AN UNDERSTANDING, THAT WE MAY KNOW HIM THAT IS TRUE, AND WE ARE IN HIM THAT IS TRUE, even in his Son Yahshua, Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life”, (1 JOHN 5:19-20 KJV)


Oh my, how dare they say this, they are “holier than thou”. According to your diabolical way of thinking and your pseudo-definition of self-righteousness this would seem that there is some here, am I right.


My mighty brother was not dumb without spiritual understanding, he was not self-righteous and knew, for a hundred percent degree that the grace, the mercy that YHVH gave to him did not made him righteous without him placing his body under the subjection of the spirit, because he knew, he did not think, he knew that he himself could be cast away from YHVH, God, (1 CORINTHIANS 9:27 KJV). Is my brother self-righteous??? Is this work salvation???


The definition of self-righteousness is believing that YOUR IDEAS (not the biblical idea who is Yahshua, the Christ state of mind) and that your BEHAVIOURS are morally better than those of other people.


Therefore, your self-righteousness which is your own righteousness, is that you are save by grace while remaining in sin as a person who still sins every day, and your pseudo-definition of pride to you is anyone who is speaking about coming out of sin. You can never make this love; you can never make sinning humble.


 For true love and humbleness is obedience to Yahshua, Jesus, giving up on your life of sin by the power of the Holy Spirit, any sinner is of the devil, (1 JOHN 3:8 KJV), and this and only this is self-righteousness.


 Lying to your brother saying he will be with God as a sinner is having no love for the truth; for the foundation of true love of your brother is speaking truth to one another, (EPHESIANS 4:25 KJV, EPHESIANS 4:15 KJV, ZECHARIAH 8:16 KJV) not lying and using scripture to sanction sin.




But you lie because your father is the devil, (JOHN 8:44-45 KJV) which your self-righteous idea and morality is so much better than all the prophets and apostles that surpasses, (ROMANS 6, 1 JOHN 3, 1 JOHN 2:29 KJV, 1 JOHN 1:5-10 KJV, PSALM 106:3 KJV, PSALMS 119:10-13 KJV, MATTHEW 5:20 KJV, and super etc).


You think and believe that these scriptures do not apply to you at all, for there is NO works of obedience, or humble submission to the Will of Yahveh, God, because these scriptures are not for you. And humbleness and love are to you and mostly the whole world, lying and agreeing with sin to reign in the mortal body, (ROMANS 6:12 KJV), that was paid with the greatest price in the universe, (1 CORINTHIANS 6:19-20 KJV)


You dishonour my Father, (JOHN 8:49 KJV) We, the whole of the heavens, rebuke thee you evil men in the mighty name of Yahshua. “O full of all subtilty and all mischief, thou child of the devil, THOU ENEMY OF ALL RIGHTEOUSNESS, wilt THOU NOT CEASE TO PERVERT THE RIGHT WAYS OF YAHVEH, (the Lord)”, (ACTS 13:10 KJV)



 You see my frolicsome brother, it is you who have a righteous than you are mind set and is oh so holy without denying yourself and suffering on your own cross, (MATTHEW 16:24-28 KJV). Yahshua, Jesus, hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we MIGHT BE MADE THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD IN HIM, (2 CORINTHIANS 5:21 KJV).


We can go on and on speaking or writing out to you the whole of the Bible but there is another thing that you said that must be addressed for your sake.


You speak that we do not pray for sinners, you do not know what we do, but we are glad to tell you, all you had to do is ask, and we would have freely given to you because we love you like we love ourselves, (MATTHEW 22:39 KJV).


We pray, write, and speak to those who have a malleable heart and have momentary lost their bearing, a brother who have sin a sin which is not unto death, a king David spirit, where the CONTRITE HEART is formed, which is not a sorrowful feeling in the emotion and then continue to sin, but a power of repentance, a changing of mind and heart, to not want to grieve the Father, (EPHESIANS 4:30 KJV) and continue in sin.


We ask Yahweh that he would give him life because he sinned which means he died and MOVED AWAY from life, the old Adam sin, (Not that life moved away from him, for life is unmovable), so we pray for those who did not the sin that leads unto death.


However, my knavish brother, there is a sin unto death, and WE ARE NOT TO PRAY FOR IT, (1 JOHN 5:16-21 KJV). These are they who defend sin, and used the Holy scriptures to justify the sin in their selves, then has the satanic audacity to say to those who are truly humble and obedient and practice righteousness, (1 JOHN 3:7 KJV), that is they who do not understand the scriptures, (ISAIAH 5:20 KJV). So, we do not have an occasion to do much praying in this regard, because many are not KEEN enough to see the truth in this age of THE GREAT FALLEN AWAY.


WE see clearly that the sin that leads to death is in full force, where Satan’s followers are defending him. Satan the roaring lion, (1 PETER 5:8 KJV), had made this sin so plentiful, by which you my brother fit ever so perfectly therein, which is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, (MATTHEW 12:31-32 KJV), where you are having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof, (2 TIMOTHY 3:5 KJV).


For if they were for us, (1 JOHN 2:19 KJV), Yahveh, God, would open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from THE POWER OF SATAN UNTO GOD, that they MAY RECEIVE FORGIVENESS OF SINS, and INHERITANCE AMONG THEM WHICH ARE SANCTIFIED, (Which mean made Holy), BY FAITH THAT IS IN YAHSHUA, Jesus, (ACTS 26:18 KJV).


This power is faith, the faith that can move all the spiritual evil mountains and those spiritual hindering sycamine trees, (MATTHEW 17:20 KJV), where nothing shall be impossible unto us. But you chose Satan, the devil to direct your faith in sin, in the stead of God (2 CORINTHIANS 4:1-6 KJV); your faith is placed in the power of sin, where you believe that sin have power and dominion over man, (ROMANS 6:14-23 KJV).


This is where we see that YHVH is not giving you repentance from this demonic way of thinking, where you acknowledge the truth, and we see that many are not recovering themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will, (2 TIMOTHY 2:25-26 KJV).


Therefore, we stand out of the way of Yahvehs’ wrath, for we see that “the wrath of YHVH, God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, and see many who hold the truth in unrighteousness, (ROMANS 1:18 KJV); therefore, we pray this prayer, (MATTHEW 6:9-13 KJV)!!!











 𝔗𝔷𝔞𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔯 𝔜𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔫 𝔑.𝔅.


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