𝐉𝐎𝐇𝐍 𝟏:𝟏𝟐-𝟏𝟑 𝐊𝐉𝐕





Perverted Sexuality


The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil



The knowledge of Being born of blood, flesh, and the Will of man is not biblically explained in all of its details in no single verse, chapter, or book of the Bible, for this cannot ever be. It is explained perfectly without flaw through men who were moved by the experience with Yahwehs’, or God’s Holy Spirit, (2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 KJV, 2 PETER 1:19-21 KJV), and is understood by line upon line, line upon line, precept upon precept, a little here and a little there, (ISAIAH 28:10 KJV).


 These Holy Spirit inspired men, who wrote and still writes for the sake of the heavens, are not limited to or boxed in to just biblical books that mankind deemed to be canon, but these Holy Spirit inspired men spoke about Yahwehs’ Holy nature, which is truth, in many biblical books that mankind, not God, but mankind has deemed not worthy to be called canon, and have removed or have not considered to place these holy inspired books in the canon in the first place, all the way to books that are written from servants of Yahweh from age to age even up to this very day, (HEBREWS 13:4-8 KJV).


These people do not believe that the Holy Spirit is still inspiring men to write out the great inexhaustible understandings of Biblical truth, the mysteries, for the benefit of mankind as a blessing. For the sons of perdition, the wicked, only gives the Holy Spirit to those that they have raise up for themselves, (2 TIMOTHY 4:3 KJV), those who have titles, education, status, riches, the scholars and professors, all those with worldly power, all the wise and prudent, those with worldly credentials; while at the same time, disregard the babies, (MATTHEW 11:25-26 KJV) and fools for Yahweh, those who really have the Holy Spirit, via the very Bible that is being falsely preached onto thee, as if Yahweh, or God, was just playing or vainly talking, as if His wishes or Will can be bypassed by man, (1 CORINTHIANS 1:19-31 KJV) where their very own earthly intellectual wisdom, causes them to delusionally think that they can have all their earthly eruditions and can still speak and have the wisdom and authority of the heavens, professing the be wise but have become great fools, (ROMANS 1:22 KJV).


These divine things cannot be bypassed or manipulated by your collegiate earthy erudition which produces riches,  no one can serve two masters, (MATTHEW 6:24 KJV), and we must become fools, weak, and despised for Yahshua, Christ, in the living hope that others can become strong and honorable in the spirit (1 CORINTHIANS 4:10 KJV), by becoming fools in the eyes of the worlds carnal intellectual reasoning’s, (1 CORINTHIANS 3:18-20 KJV, PHILIPPIANS 3:8 KJV), where men do not take certain parts of the Bible and attempt to bark out an understanding of the scriptures without first seeking in scripture to find out whether or not it lines up with the rest of the books inside and outside of canon; and that the reasoning does not go too far passed nature, (ROMANS 1:20 KJV), and other scriptures, by which all these things calls the spirit of error to rest upon the soul, (1 JOHN 4:1-6 KJV), turning one into an ideologue, causing great contradictions and great spiritual illogical conclusions to appear in the mind and heart, and Satan does kill you in this manner.


  However, this is where we will speak from, which is the infinite unlimited Holy Spiritual watery well of the Word, (JOHN 7:38 KJV), and will not speak of ourselves, and this is where the great offence lies.




So, before we start the continuations from part one of this article, we will now asked the responsible viewer, or reader, speaking of those of responsible age, to not read this with children or open this in their presence; they which have not reached the age of accountability, for their will be things that their minds will not be able to process at this time.





Those who have spurious, comfortable and watered down religious worldly deceptive understandings about marriages, who are currently in unholy matrimonies as we speak, this article is in direct purposeful enmity against thee, in a holy outright rebuke in the mighty name of Yahshua the Messiah, whom you do erroneously call Christ Jesus, of your justifications, lies, intellectual philosophical colloquialisms, and jargons, your sharp worldly well put together witticisms, your sophistic theosophical sweet vernacular, and the awesomely dressed biological scientific reasoning by which all sprouts from the knowledge of the tree of good and evil, ye would do good to take caution here as well. 



We will not speak from fornication, speaking of the apparent lustful sexual act in absolute licentiousness, and lasciviousness rooted in debauchery, works that are performed without holy biblical matrimony, for Satan is limited here and has a spiritual vice from the law of Yahweh gripped around him here, a spiritual reptile grabber, a greater heavenly unbreakable boundary; which limits most of Satan’s serpentine movements suppressing Satan from running to and fro in the earth limiting his walking up and down upon it, (JOB 1:7 KJV) where he knows his time is short, (REVELATION 12:12 KJV).


Satan will not spend much time in direct blatant sin, where sin can be seen outright, for Yahshua, Christ Jesus, has destroyed his kingdom of sin at Calvary breaking the power that sin had in the mortal body, (ROMANS 6 KJV, 1 JOHN 3 KJV), where he exposed sin, the kingdom of darkness, (JOHN 15:22 KJV), making things plain about the devices of the devil to all of mankind, (2 CORINTHIANS 2:11 KJV), there being now no excuse, (ROMANS 1:20 KJV), the law being written in the hearts and minds of mankind, (HEBREWS 10:16-26 KJV).


Adjacent to this, the wicked, all those that are of the carnal mind, who domiciles shamelessly in sin who are well manifested unstoppably, (MATTHEW 7:16-20 KJV), with no inner promptings in their hearts of wrong doings, (1 TIMOTHY 4:2 KJV, JOHN 12:40 KJV, 2 CORINTHIANS 4:4 KJV), where he has great possession over them, (JOHN 8:44-45 KJV), the Devil is not concerned with these people they are no threat to his kingdom, for he knows he has them in his den, or his underground burrows, (REVELATION 9:20-21 KJV).


This restricted area, or the hell carnal mind which was once a wide kingdom for him is desolate and is nothing to him, for he knows that the reconstruction of the kingdom of darkness is impossible because Yahshua, Jesus, condemned sin in the flesh, (ROMANS 8:3-4 KJV); condemned meaning already judged and sentence to punishment, (JOHN 16:8-11 KJV), and rendered sin unfit for use, so that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


We will not here speak of the absolute sin of the homosexual matrimony, that which is against nature and God, the Creator of natural law, for just as was said above, Satan is confined and is blatantly exposed as insane there, and his demonic diabolical justifications and arguments are exposed as embarrassing and inferior in the most blatant way, where he is too confine and cannot exhibited a pride boastful display of power relevant to Yahweh, the holy angels and regenerated man.


Satan’s followers, those partaking in what Yahweh Himself calls abomination can shake the world but cannot shake the heavens; (HEBREWS 12:27 KJV), this is not a blow from the devil for the heavens, but a blow to the heads of his own followers.


 This attack is too far from the heavenly borders and would be a joke to the kingdom of the heavens, (PSALM 2:1-5 KJV, PSALM 37:9-13 KJV, PSALM 59:5-8 KJV); therefore, we will not speak much on this, for homosexuality does not even fit on the spiritual Richter scale, (1 PETER 4:18 KJV), it is not a huge enough tremor to reach even the gates of the heavens to even consider in the first place, by which Satan mocks, shames, and make foolish the participants of this dark matrimony in an unnatural and unseemly recompense, (ROMANS 1:20-28 KJV), all which Satan knows very well.


Satan knows that applying direct sin without a wrapping of a false light, (2 CORINTHIANS 11:13-15 KJV), would be a waste of the time that Yahshua, Jesus, gave to him, (MATTHEW 8:29 KJV), therefore; he moves covertly in the darkness as a nocturnal predator from fornication, right into the five I Wills, (ISAIAH 14:12-15 KJV) seeking the northern borders.


Satan that old dragon, moved expeditiously into the holy matrimony that Yahweh blessed and fulfilled in the kingdom of the heavens that are located right inside of mankind, (LUKE 17:20-21 KJV), so that he can have more room to deceive, (REVELATION 12:9 KJV), kill, steal, and destroy freely. For the kingdoms of the heavens that are located right within man, is greatly exposed by Willful neglect, where men are not watching the northern borders and are not on watch as the good and faithful servant, (MATTHEW 24:42-51 KJV).


 For the devil is more intelligent than the whole of the world except the sheep or the elect of Yahweh, and he knows the scripture better than ninety-nine percent of the people of the world except the one percent which are the beautiful ones, that gave up their lives for Yahshua in the true sense. Satan knows that Yahshua, Jesus, gave to all mankind the keys to the kingdom of the heavens, and whatsoever they bind on earth shall be bound in the heavens, and whatsoever they shall loose on earth shall be loosed in the heavens, (MATTHEW 16:19 KJV).


This Willful neglect of the things of the spirit, where the things of the spirit are looked at as great foolishness by the carnal man, (1 CORINTHIANS 2:10-16 KJV) his priority being now bent on the lust of the flesh, (ROMANS 8:5:5-8 KJV), this causes mankind to leave the Holy barbicans within the hearts of mankind wide open, where the truth can be compromised by the movement the winding and twisting of the devil, where truth is now reinterpreted in great sophistry, by the dark power of relativism, men who leaves the love of the truth, forthwith; forming a great pleasure in unrighteousness initiating the natural consequence, which is a great delusion to be formed, (2 THESSALONIANS 2:7-12 KJV), where men say that there is no absolute truth, or absolute good or a set standard of a holy life but all is relative.


This is seen in a very holy and clear way without error in the carnal intellectual lies, interpretations, and justifications sprouting from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. These carnal intellectual lies, interpretations, and justifications appears and is seen clearly in the spirit as very tall uncut grass that has not been cut for centuries, due to mankind’s lack of tending the great and beautiful garden of Yahweh, (GENESIS 2:15 KJV), that Yahshua, Jesus gave back to us, (MARK 1:15 KJV, MATTHEW 3:2 KJV, MATTHEW 4:17 KJV).


Satan loves wriggling in the holy matrimony, for he knows the hearts of mankind that has not the Holy Spirit of Yahweh, the devil knows that many people live and mind the things of the flesh, and not the things of the spirit, (ROMANS 8:5-8 KJV), thereby; their hearts always seeks to turn or transmute sin especially lust, into love and good, in the power of theological legalism, as if Yahweh, or God, is stupid or dumb without knowledge and is easily manipulated into a human carnal design, where they delusionally believe that their true intentions of why they got married are hidden from Him, like He will bend to their Wills, and sanction iniquity, (EXODUS 34:7 KJV, NAHUM 1:2-3 KJV), as if His spiritual law can be manipulated or finessed.


In part one of this article, we told the reader that the things that would be spoken here is in real reality, a great blessing from Yahweh Himself; but would not be accepted as thus, and many will become completely offended. For there is a contrary to the true reality that Yahweh, God, has made, a subtle anti-Messiah, which are the many delusionary self-base realities of the world, where people’s personal feelings, emotions and biases, desires a specific way of life according to their own Will, that gives them a diabolical upside-down sight and experience of life that is completely opposite to the true Holy reality that Yahweh, or God made.


So, with the reader being reminded of this, here are the words…


(HEBREWS 13:4 KJV, G5093, G3956,)


 Now if any person rather male or female gets married for the upcoming reasons, meaning that the things explained below was in anyway apart of or in the mind or heart then your marriage is no better whatsoever than a marriage performed by the church of Satan or any witch covenant, and they do indeed sit in a lesser punishment then you.


My possible sisters, (MATTHEW 12:46-50 KJV), hear ye your blessing…


 If any marry a man because they are outwardly beautiful, because of the nice hair and wardrobe which forms his swagger, his nice abs, a huge phallus, or because the sex is amazing and he has long sexual stamina, where the orgasm is longed after, and is chased after in great covetousness in the pleasure of the flesh, and that he has a nice looking tight fundament, and that he has a great job, and been on his job for years, and has great financial security, or that his family has power and prominence in the community, where his billfold is surely considered, measured in worldly titles, jobs, careers or positions, cars and houses, where these and many other carnal considerations that was not mentioned here in this shameful and wicked list, all that which has no part with God or the holy biblical matrimony that was instituted by Yahweh, God, Himself; which you have indeed considered in the mind and heart and do so lie and justify with the worldly knowledge of good and evil when corrected, then it is urgently and critically advised that you repent in the true biblical way which will be described later after we blessed the men below to prepare them for the hour of need.



My knavish sisters, ye speak lies out the mouth when you say you just want a man to love you, nay, nay, you really mean that he should lust over you and be captured under your spell of ultimate seduction, where he worships you as Aphrodite herself, showering you with the gifts of the world as a sacrifice, and by this you will never receive the true man of Yahweh.


For the man of Yahweh will avoid you like the ten plagues of Egypt, and you are immediately spotted by him, even if you disguise yourself with modest attire, for your sin is in your horrible tangy and screeching voice, and the stench of your sins reeks out of your pours, a taste of bitter gall, as if the gates of hell has open.


Your sexual tight dress, pants and shorts that you Willfully and purposefully wear to show off the sexual delight pertaining to the carnal biological body, which like a dog you have return, (PROVERBS 26:11 KJV), or never even changed from that old man of sin who dominates in the flesh and not the spirit; this disposition is not wanted by the man rather publicly or privately, for to have these delights privately the man of Yahweh knows very well from direct experience that he will undeniably and automatically without fail, get excommunicated out of the garden of love or self-sacrifice, right into the earthly hellish garden of lust and insatiableness, by which the sin of the woman blinds her to this axiom, where she cannot understand the light of this heavenly wisdom, but from the mercy that is in Yahshua the Messiah, the Word, we will shine out our lamps on it as we progress.


Your carnal body that you use to seduce man and now in this last day, even other women, to feel what you call sexy and wanted, are not enjoyed or adored by the man who you “claim” to seek after, but your seductive wiles are like snapping whips to this kind of man, a horrible experience that Yahweh, or who you call God will avenge this man’s every strike; your provocative and dishabille coverings are a great offence to him as the beautiful seductive woman was with Joseph, (GENESIS 39: 7-12 KJV, THE TESTAMENT OF JOSEPH 19-81). It is told to break off here and return later, for Satan is working in the mind to seduce woman to be demonically appalled, but we, the spirits of Yahweh, will say those things ye ought to hear, push through those fallen thoughts, so you could retain your blessing an mercies of your Creator.


My possible brothers, (MATTHEW 12:46-50 KJV) hear ye your blessing…


 If any marries a woman because they are outwardly beautiful, being captured by the modern-day dark principalities of Apollyon, where the desire for the derriere from the black stallion of hell is in the mind and heart, or the female pudendum of which is called by the demons of lust the camel toe is considered, where the man marries from the captivation by the female reproductive organ, where it is explained and liken to twelve suction cups, by which you idolatrously covet greatly way over Yahweh or God, men who casuistically thinks to marry from a deceptive mean, deceiving himself that marriage would stop her from lusting for other men in her heart and mind and to lock her down in order to keep others from partaking of her fruits, this is a called for repentance.


We are speaking to the sleeping brethren who believe that they love their wives, but they do not, for they lust after their wives, and just as the testament of Reuben taught us, ye are weaken by the craft, the outward attraction and wiles of the women, because of her thighs, lips, eyes, feet, hair, where the woman is no longer viewed by you as a woman that is flesh of your flesh and bone of your bone, but is devalued as a pleasure box, a sexual toy made by fisher price, this is a call for you to take your rightful place with Yahweh, or God.


It is unholy ye men, to use women and marry her for her income or her financial stability or her influence which could get you ahead in the world, where you marry her to use her, no woman deserves such a thing, and many of women have a twisted but meaningful Will to genuinely help from which they deceptively believe is right, but thou O man are a complete monster, and only view women as a thing that give physical pleasure or delight.


This is seen and is very obvious to the woman, she knows that you do not love her, and she knows very well that you love the things mentioned above for she designed it that way, she is rightfully convinced that all men desire the body of the harlots bearing. Women are not dumb, but their sin from the spirit of fornication which dwell more in the women than men, (TESTAMENT OF REUBEN 2:7-23), causes the woman to push that knowledge above to the side, in a willful self-deceit, grounded in a false hope; for she knows the options that she has in the pickings of men, for none are Holy in the true biblical sense, and these pickings are catastrophic due to our own monstrous hunger in lust, which in itself is insatiable, while love is sacrificial; we will speak more about love after this rebuke.



Ye men, you are not the victim, it is not all of the women’s fault; you are not innocent and harmless but are very cruel. There are plenty of women who may not be so physically attractive and does not have any sexual poise or the seductive mien, due to the little shy innocence that she has left that the world has not sucked out of her at this time, but rather she may have a malleable soul, a pliable heart, who could possibly learn and have a chance of becoming a righteous woman that would lead her unto the state of holiness by which you are the head of her, and could help her to grow thereby.


But you O man in your sin of lust, are seduced by the Midianitish woman, (NUMBERS 25 KJV) the women who has that sexy disposition by the spirit of the twisting adder, where she shows the sexual gyration and clapping of the posterior like the rattle snake, having the sexual flexibility of the side winder, by which comes high level of sexual pleasure in the lust thereof.


Sin begets sin, and it does not ever beget righteousness, the man’s sin of lust or the spiritual seed that the men of the world have, are added or ejaculated into the egg of the sin of fornication, or idolatry that the women are more acceptable to, in what is clearly seen in that same spirit that was in Jezebel, (2 KINGS 9:30 KJV).


 Then the sins of the man copulate with the sexual seductive spirit in the woman and begets a terrible spiritual offspring in the very rare malleable and pliable woman, causing her to move to the wonders of the devil’s medical fangs of liposuction, which is a very dangerous procedure by which a substantial number of women die from, placing great strain on her precious body or temple of Yahweh.


All the cosmetics surgeries like mammary glands implants, posterior augmentations and vaginal tightening creates or loose and binds in the spirit, frightening spiritual children or entities on earth, just like, and worse than the days of Noah, (MATTHEW 24:37-39 KJV), where the woman of normal modest godly physique, that do not lead men into the sin of lust, feels the hellish creatures of insecurities and inadequacies because they do not have the harlots bearing, which have become a ubiquity around the world as the image that is most acceptable.


Then since the majority of men worldwide are driven to whoredom, this pushes the very rare malleable and pliable woman to coalesce herself unto that wicked unholy image of how a woman should look which in itself is projecting from the carnal mind, causing her to now modify the temple of Yahweh just to please the licentious and lewdness of the men’s lust, and Yahweh will judge this thing from you O man of the world if you do not repent, change from this way of thinking, for she is the weaker vessel and Yahweh, or God, placed you as head that you are responsible for her, (2 TIMOTHY 3:6 KJV).


 Men, when it is said that women are smarter than you, even though this statement is inaccurate, the spiritual heavenly source that this statement was twisted from, has the true veracity. You are too far immersed in the sin of lust so greatly, that you are blind and have deceived your own self that you are the deceiver.


You go so far as to name your self-deceit with satanic terms like: I got game, I am a pimp, I got swagger, I am smooth, or I got charisma, etc., but this does not have any bearing on a woman who has been with the great serpent for a while, where Satan has given her the gift of mastery over the female pudendum, she sees this, and she lets this play out for amusement purposes.


  These women have the exact intelligence as the Iranian spider-tailed viper, and knows why you have approached her or why you seek to court her, she is wise, and uses her tail the posterior, and words that flatters the ego perfectly, words that you want to hear, and have Wilfully designed an attraction that mimics what you, not God, but what you want a goodly woman to be.


And because the sin of lust walk hand in hand with the sin of pride, ye men do not see the wisdom of this woman and thinks she is dumb, you cannot see that idolatry or fornication, goes into the whore apparatus of sexual dress and adornment, where she labors and does the works of the devil to keep up the whore image for you, because of your own personal lust, this is lust and is not love, (TESTAMENT OF REUBEN 5:5, compare this to 1 CORINTHIANS 6:18 KJV and hear the power of the heavens). There is no pseudepigrapha, the Holy spirit writes as it Wills.


We will stop here to allow spiritual digestion to take place for those who have ears to hear, and for those who do not have the ears to hear, those who have spiritual bulimia, ever learning or eating but never coming into the knowledge of the truth, (2 TIMOTHY 3:5-7 KJV), we stop here also to allow you the free choice to regurgitate this heavenly manna, (which means “what is this”), and to reject and ridicule this article as a witness against thee.






𝔗𝔷𝔞𝔣𝔯𝔦𝔯 𝔜. 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔤𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔢𝔫 𝔑.𝔅.        










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